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वन्दे पन्नग-भूषणं मृगधरं वन्दे पशूनां पतिम् । वन्दे भक्त-जनाश्रयं च वरदं वन्दे शिवं शंकरम् ॥ शिवरात्रि की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं।

Maha Shivaratri (Shiv Barat  2020) It is widely known that Lord Shiva resides in his most exalted form as a jyotirlingam named Kashi Vishwanath in Varanasi. On the auspicious day of Shivratri every year, the Shiva temples in Varanasi are beautifully decorated to mark the festive occasion. A remarkable procession, depicting the marriage of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati is taken out from the Mrityunjay Mahadev Mandir in Daranagar to Kashi Vishwanath Temple AND Shri Tilbhandeshwar Temple to Kedareshwar temple.         On the occasion of Mahashivratri celebration in Varanasi, devotees recreate the wedding scene of Shiva and Parvati from Shiva Purana, by emulating the look of different holy deities from the Hindu pantheon. The entire procession walks for almost five hours whilst engaging in festive revelry, dances, devotional music and so on. All in all – the scene is every bit of ecstatic devotional madness!

Be your own hero- Varanasi Tours

Sometimes you have to be your own Hero – Varanasi Tours (The Second Online Travel, Varanasi) Sometimes you have to be your own hero. It's always best to cast yourself in the lead role. Building an attitude of "I got this!" is one of the healthiest attitudes to create within yourself. Doing things on your own and for yourself builds confidence, and confidence makes more things possible. Sometimes confidence makes even the impossible things possible. Doing things for yourself shall always give you a sense of pride. "Sometimes you have to be your own hero" is not talking about those of us with a written excuse; it is about those without any excuse. The way to survive and even thrive is to face the fact that in this life , sometimes you have to be your own hero , and there is nothing wrong with that idea if that is what it takes to keep you going forward. Whatever visual picture comes to your mind when you think of a hero, you must add yourself to that photo. We c

Varanasi Unique bank - the first of its kind , unlimited withdrawals ,Varanasi Second Online Travel

Ram Ramapati Bank in Kashi Ram Ramapati Bank - Deposit once and avail more than compound interest forever ---- Varanasi Travel The Second Online Travel, Aktha, Sarnath Varanasi Varanasi Travel- Ram Ramapati Bank :  a unique bank in the world where you are required to deposit only once, and you will have unlimited withdrawals. On hearing the name of the bank, only the transaction of rupee comes to mind of everyone but there is such a unique bank in Dharmanagri Varanasi (Varanasi) which has no connection with money far and wide.  This Ram Ramapati Bank , which has been running for 96 years, has millions of account holders, but to date, no one has deposited a single rupee. In the name of rupees, the name Ram gets deposited here, and in debt, it is found in the name of Ram. The  name of Ram is deposited here in virtue and debt.   There is no need to tell the place of Kashi City on the banks of the Ganges in Hinduism. People from India and abroad dip in the Ganges to wash their sins a